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Trafalgar Schools Federation


At Trafalgar, our History curriculum covers an exciting range of different units, including World History, British History and Local History.
Each of the units are linked together through themes that are of the most relevance and interest to our children, meaning that by the end of year 6 they will have developed a broad historical knowledge of the wider world and of their own personal history.
Our children learn a range of key facts, dates and concepts, alongside skills such as chronological understanding, and analysis and evaluation of historical evidence.
Children are encouraged to empathise with people from different eras whilst learning how to compare and contrast life in different periods with each other and with the present day. Over their time with us, children are able to dive deeper into the past and become more confident when building upon and developing their learning from previous years. 
Within the classroom, our History lessons are enriched by a range of different resources and artefacts and beyond the classroom our History curriculum offers an exciting range of learning experiences such as year group themed days, taking part in drama workshops and visiting valuable local resources.
We believe that it is vital for children to learn about the past so they can understand and appreciate the impact it has had on how we live our lives today,  as well as being a tool to teach valuable lessons, introduce unique new concepts, and lay the foundation for further learning exploration. 

History forms part of the Understanding the World  area of learning within the EYFS curriculum.

KS1 History


KS2 History