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  /    /  Enrichment

There are many opportunities for children to become involved in extracurricular activities over the year.

As well as choir and sports clubs which are run by staff members, other clubs such as chess, gymnastics, football, karate and drama are available from external providers. Please contact the relevant club for further information.

For clubs run by external providers we ask that you satisfy yourself the club is right for your child and that they have all the relevant information about your child including medical conditions and contact numbers for emergencies.

Due to the large number of externally provided clubs on offer the school office is unable to keep up to date with information about costs, cancellations, start and end dates/times etc. You must contact the club direct for such information.

Once your child’s place has been confirmed you must make sure they know the day, time and location of their chosen activity by reminding them and recording it in their Home School Links book every week to ensure they remember to bring any special clothing or equipment with them.